Home Authors Posts by Charles Watson

Charles Watson

Charles Watson
Charles Watson is a freelance writer specializing in health and addiction. You can catch him at a local Detroit Tigers game (yes, even in 2018) or reading new material from his favorite author, Tim Ferriss. Currently, he publishes content for https://www.sunshinebehavioralhealth.com and can be reached directly on Twitter at @charleswatson00.

The Benefits of Herbal Vaping for Anxiety and Depression

Approximately one in five people in North America are estimated to be living with some form of mental health illness every year. While the...

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REVIEW: Drag Nano by VooPoo

Created and crafted with the consumer’s best interest in mind, the Drag Nano pod system combines contemporary modern design with a new...


Product Specs and Intro Pod systems are becoming increasingly popular in the world of vaping and for good...

Dispelling Vaping Myths

According to a recent NHS statistic on smoking, over 1.6 million people have dropped the habit in six years and vaping has...